
Hi, my name is Kimberly, as you know by now, I am a busy, hard-working wife, mom to four equally different and special kids, I love to tell stories and I am sure you will soon find that out. I love to cook, but even though I am not a gourmet cook. I cook almost everything from scratch, because after three trips to the emergency room with a kid gasping for air due to food allergies, it was no longer an option but an absolute nutritional necessity. It is due to this journey that I am being led to you.

I must thank you for stopping by to read. I am not sure what led you here, or why you stopped by, but I am so glad that you did. I must let you know that I am a normal and ‘no fuss at all’ person. If you have everyday problems, I have them too. If you need daily answers, hey! guess what? I need them too.

I guess we are all on this journey together and I sincerely believe in God as my helper.

I would love to share the journey that I am on with you as I draw alongside, educate and support women of childbearing age who are battling with “messed up” periods and hormonal imbalances. I help them understand what is beautiful and normal about their menstrual cycle so that they not only know when something is wrong but also know how to make the first step in making changes to help fix their messed up cycles.

I have met a lot of busy women, moms, students, single women and married women during the last decade and more, who had no clue that whole food nutrition is a vital key to help them with their laundry list of complaints such as Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS), bloating, migraines, painful and heavy periods, and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). I have seen in their eyes signs of hope when they learnt the incredible connection between holistic nutrition, lifestyle changes, their mindset, and their wellness.

I will forever remember one such conversation I had one night. She was newly married and assumed that the next step was to have a baby, but after some time it was just not happening.

She was frustrated! She was worried! And she was scared!

As we spoke about it, I made her a promise. Before that night was over, I made her my priority!

My knowledge on hormone imbalances was growing so I promised to send her some information as soon as I got home that morning. I am so glad that I did.

In her desperation and with new knowledge she approached her MD and asked to be tested for hormonal imbalances. She was tired of just being told: “Just keep trying.

Her story ended beautifully. 

She did what she was told to do to help to correct some of those imbalances, she changed her mindset, made dietary changes, and proudly held two babies in her arms nine months later.

What did I do?

I had increased her awareness, by providing information that empowered her to advocate for herself.

Like her, way before then, I had struggled with hormonal imbalances; I did not know it then, and no one had told me. No one had explained to me that the stresses of coming to a new country, and the search for a new home and job had the possibility of playing havoc with my hormones.  If you have heard these words, I know how you feel, because I too have heard these frightening words.“You are not ovulating”.

Sitting across from the doctor who delivered the news resulted in fear that plunged me into desperation to do anything he said. Sadly, however, we never did address the root of the problem in that season – STRESS!

I then went on to have my share of other hormonal issues that affected my pregnancies resulting in the loss of my first daughter. I searched for answers and none were offered to me by my medical practitioners.

It was after the birth of my last boy, and a bottle of gripe water that I entered into the field of holistic nutrition. It was a season of challenges and struggles: I was battling with one child with learning issues, another with skin and lung ailments, and a new baby. It was in this season that God allowed me to see that in His original plan He had and still has provided a plan for my healing through understanding nutrition and whole food as He created it.

There are things I wish I had known before marriage or having children. I have had some scares but made some decisions that, had I known then what I know now, would have guided me to better choices, and honestly, I know you may feel the same.

A couple of years passed, a new season began. I, unfortunately, had thyroid issues that also impacted my cycle unawares to me. After working hard to recover my sleep, My energy had returned. My clothes felt better as I dropped a size or two – the result of all the new nutritional choices I was making.

Then, when I felt the best in my body, we had a surprising discovery. Yep! In my mid 40’s we were going to be blessed with a baby a 5th time.

For my 5th pregnancy, with the looming risk of a high risk pregnancy, I had the best doctor, the best pregnancy, the first almost full term and heaviest baby I ever had…and finally a new little girl who stayed.

So this is why, busy or not, I am writing this blog. It is to serve as hope for women who can not only identify with my life experiences, but also know that they too may be able to see some light at the end of the tunnel. 

Like me, you were wonderfully and beautifully created and can choose not to remain in the vicious cycle that has you bound. You no longer have to remain unaware and be stuck in the endless cycle of ups and downs, headaches, bloating, pain, endless bleeding, and all future uncertainties.

Stick around, and you will hear me blogging on:

  • Hormonal wellness and how you can minimize the monthly discomfort and finally experience what it feels like to be normal.
  • Digestive wellness and how poor eating habits and food choices are wrecking your monthly cycle.
  • Blood sugar, its effect on your ovulation, and how it can sabotage your efforts to conceive that much-wanted baby.

and so much more.

I am passionate about walking alongside you on this journey.

My Family

I am married to my husband David, and we both love and serve the Lord. We have one young adult, two teenagers, all boys, and our precious little "family night planning" girl. I am a Registered Nurse, and I have a growing passion for holistic nutrition and all its healing benefits. My desire to help women and couples saw God opening the door for me to pursue training to become a Creighton Model Fertility Care Practitioner as well as a Metabolic Balance Coach. I love to sing, play the guitar, read and research. However, what I love most is sharing how God saw me through all of my many challenges as my Journey to Reclaiming Wellness continues.